Access to Pastured Poultry is Under Threat!

Access to Pastured Poultry is Under Threat!

The USDA's Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) has proposed a new Salmonella Framework for raw poultry that could devastate small-scale farmers, processors, and YOUR access to clean, local poultry.

FSIS is announcing its proposed determination that raw chicken carcasses, chicken parts, comminuted chicken, and comminuted turkey products contaminated with "certain" Salmonella levels and serotypes are adulterated within the meaning of the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA).

The proposed determination would establish final product standards based on these Salmonella levels and serotypes and would prevent raw chicken carcasses, chicken parts, comminuted chicken, and comminuted turkey products that contain Salmonella at the levels and serotypes that would render them adulterated from entering commerce.

In simple terms, what this means is if poultry is flagged at a certain salmonella readings, it must be cooked first by the processors. Big plants can handle this, but small plants can't leaving them forced to trash perfectly good poultry.

While on paper this may sound like a good plan, it is in fact just a breach to take down the small farmers who are raising healthy poultry. 

If this proposal goes forward, here's what it will mean for YOU:

  • Loss of local access: Up to 40% of small processors could close due to increased costs, leaving farmers without processing options.
  • Higher prices: Compliance costs will skyrocket, trickling down to consumers
  • Loss of food sovereignty: USDA could condemn birds you own, even if they're for your table
  • Chemical processing: Small plants may have to rely on chemical treatments, reducing access to clean, natural poultry 
  • Weakened food security: Fewer processors mean less resilience in our food system.

Small farmers and processors are NOT the source of widespread Salmonella outbreaks. Despite stricter regulations, illnesses have NOT decreased!

More regulation does NOT equal healthier outcomes!

Here's how you can take action against this proposal:

Go to:

Copy and paste this comment:

"As a consumer of locally raised and slaughtered poultry, I am against the Proposed Salmonella Framework on Raw Poultry. This proposed solution is not effective in addressing the concerns of consumers for safe or clean poultry. Please go back and listen to the stakeholder comments to draft a new solution that allows consumers to maintain private ownership of their poultry and ensures access to non-chemically-sterilized poultry if we so choose"

This is a quick and easy way to get your voice heard; and you can do it anonymously.

Submit your comment by January 17th, 2025 and make your voice heard!

Help us protect small farmers, processors, and YOUR right to local, sustainable food. Stand up and let USDA know where you stand!

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